'Ery 'ice si
'Ery 'ice si
sounds pretty neat!
The title made me think of fable
I ley..kk..LOVe pkemon.. is it true thad there's gonna be a new Reallife pokemon movie?
Grwarwl, Gnarwl.. Frawlly funny type of fing, thingy, fun.
gonna download it.
Cough, cough, keep it positive mayne!
Resisting? tempting... Worthy to be over-valued all the time..
Change the change, love that. Hmmn yeah it is... incomplete it is.. though I like te way you rap n stuff.. keep up the goo work
Yee Ack'n..? I love that you put yer lyrics on board...
And like the beat, going thoroughly through the mind and shell from toe towards hea and back to toe.. and so.. shows how you've grown.. but I read down below how you can't really cope with you getting, mad, well.. ye know, Iearned that at a very young age, that I (so thus can you) Canchoose to not do soething, like feel a bad emotion, especially when you feel it is some sort of cursy thingy, I have.. And I felt n still feel great by erasing all anger inside of me.. Just choose to feel peaceful when you feel like that, and tell your mind, thus body, thus choice of all the things inside.. that thing. your botti.. a constructive thing, tell em why they needn't feel angry, cus you will find there is always a goother solution to something.. Almost at all times.. just show true love to the ones you env.. cus that isn't supposed to be felt.. Or was it. Well, Vinst. I like your track, keep up the good work. I'm about to go listen to more of yours. And tell you what is my view on things. See you around.!
And you write it like dodge... ;P duck! dodge! duck! dodge!
I didn't... use headphones... now I will... Hmm the intro yells back at. Me Blackened, Iris, see it go steppin onto new paths, which I hadn't discovered.. yet!! An as of yet, a touch of xylofone is added.. Hmm , maybe not your best work, It is the first I hear of thou though.. Och wat zou t ook. Yeah I'm from holland, quite a dutch guy But speak english proper, hope we can enjoy each others writing, or typing anyhow.. AAnd have lots of enjoyable moments doin that in the future! Hmmn...
Thanks for the review, man! I agree this isn't my best work. After the intro, the cheesy Garageband samples take over, unfortunately. :)
Relaxing piece of artwork. art te me
Hmmn.. Love it already.//
Yeah, A writer of the Book called: "Tameluck Relaxed" Now at chapter 14 of 27.. Photographer, ^^ Just type: Demian Bergsma @Goog. n find photo's.. got some kids.. I'm 29. Eahm, Street-theatre artist, Rapper! n Dancer, got my choice as strong as can be.
Age 34, Male
Saving Galaxies
Old habits
The Netherlands
Joined on 5/31/19