Yeah... it does... I find it 2.723 times as much relaxed as normal...
Quite Relaxed
I'll tell you how One of the chapters is called:
Chapter 12: How cold blooded can you be.
Aààll Right another one:
Chapter 14: Saving N.Y.
I have made unto a Sorcerer's doorsteps, He was Befriended with all types of Fabled characters And Mythical Creatures he said in a soft tone of voice, and with an atonement in his voice which was unlikely to be heard aday. And threw a chunk of charcoal into it's Feiyr, There were Fairies hangin beside it to keep their head cool, could be troubling; I mentioned once, And they held that memory in the back of their head at this precise moment..I'll tell you a tale soon about This Sorcerer from Heaven, which some might have called It... And he asks me to forgive and let live the flies on my body which dried off towards more than two choruses, And than He said Go on, Feel the wind shaking like trees in your abdomen, and I thought of a way to give him an example of time which I had in my mind, but forgave me self. and jolted out... to the door, And living I still was, unto a newest day, And to tell you the truth I was afraid... that I might've fallen unto a quiry thing called like the thing we thought of before, So the Garments I wore and the folklore left tore and after four four I
But the doorsteps were... my own.
I'll also record it in the future
Oh and to be clear, this isn't from my book at all, just some mind thingy I just spewed out...
Latailla Di-Axis